
Thursday, March 29, 2012

HR Sins

In HR province today, a lot of allegations are hurled at the HR manager threatening to tarnish his or her moral fiber. The sins the HR domain are guilty of committing :

1) Apple of ignorance: HR practitioners have no clue of the current busines challenges, goals, employees needs and wants. There fore they fail to get alignement between busines goals, employee needs and HR programmes in the system.

2) Apple of defiance: HR fundamentals are mission in the HR fraternity. This sin leads to ineffectual HR. Credibility thereby a weak back bone in the organisation.

3) Apple of mistrust fullness:The absence of trust has stressed one too many HR Professionals into sleepless nights . As HR staff you need to trust your staff so that they develop loyalty.

4) Apple of worship: "Yes boss" Syndrome inpeges on risk taking and quality decision making. Leaders must be encouraged to be approachable and be good listener who reward and recognize ideas and suggestions.

5) Apple of greed: If a manager sees a good performer he or she ends up over burdening that person with extra wrk masking it behing the "high expctation" he has from him . This sin to squeeze more work from a high potential employee is a grave sin . The manager should provide the shinning star with a team resources and ample support rather than more work.

6) Apple of compromise: Compromise on when it comes to quantity vs quality is a widespread HR sin. HR end up recruiting in numbers instead of the right fit who double up when needd for additional responsibility thus leading to a mediocre work performance.

7) Apple of arrogance: Over confidences builds conflict between employee therby creating politics and groupism. 

Stay far away from these sins. Succumbing to these is foolish and these is no sin greater than foolishness.

Source: TOI 22nd Feb, 2012

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