
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Run to De-stress

Gagan Banga , VC and MD , India Bulls Housing Finance Ltd remarks about Work life balance are as follows:
  • manage through rigorous discipline and planning, exercise; plan schedule in advance;
  • good movie, long run and healthy conversation with people are stress busters;
  • spending quality time with family and friends give immense happiness;
  • take calculated risks;
  • "running is my meditation " he says;
  • rely on data and hard work to complete activity;
  • engage with people , family and friends focus and always introspect ;
  • Be objective to highs and lows.

Source: TOI...Life

Accept Hard days

Sunil Bhatia CEO & MD, Blue star Infotech. His message for work life balance is as follows:
  • prioritization of tasks;
  • focus and carry out only most important and urgent tasks and delegate the rest, this ensures highest levels of productivity;
  • some days are very crucial in your personal and professional life , give your best on these days;
  • indulge in hobbies to de-stress;
  • good health is a lifelong treasure , keep fit; work out , do yoga and read good books;
  • take calculated risks;
  • hard days are inevitable in your life just accept it.
  • finally believe in the power of self control and composure. 

Source: TOI -- Life

Monday, February 16, 2015

"Leadership in 2015"

Most needed skills by Izabela Lundberg

To achieve new process, strategy and execution plan in 2015 the 7 skills for leadership that she suggests:
1. Analyze complex issues.....set aside appropriate lengths of time to foster effective issue resolution session. Be in person to dramatically impact team of effectiveness. Use the white board.
2. Communicate clearly: "the most important thing in communication is hearing what is not said." Peter Drucker. It is highly important to integrate other aspects of concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete and courteous communication. These types of communication are must have for implementing change.
3. Demonstrate consistent professionalism, high integrity and honesty. This is essential to build trust and respect around you. By demonstrating consistency and full responsibility of your action it will set the stage for the other to follow: "Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.” Oprah Winfrey.
4. Drive Results: Identifying the specific goals that are challenging but attainable and measurable. For this you need employees’ involvement, a goal setting process and a much focused, supportive and rewarding team work environment. “Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked: leadership is defined by results not attributes.” Peter Drucker.
5. Inspire others: through valued based behavior, by powerful passionate and meaningful communication; demonstrate excellent listening skills, know the big picture of the organization mission and vision; Employee inclusion and trust in you is a must. “Leadership is based on a spiritual quality; the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow." Vona Lombadi.
6. Motivate others: Listening, encouraging and asking, "How I help'" is the magic. Understand the “something” to reach your goal. "Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes group effort-- that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."...Vince Lombardi.
7. Remove obstacles and solve problems: Sharing and understanding the problem will allow solving; narrowing to 2 or 3 options will assist you to get the best solutions, based on your resources needs, budget time, etc.


New perspective in Higher Education

"Higher Education leads to a slow down in risk raking. Think of what would have happened to the computer industry had Steve Jobs, Bill gates and Larry Ellison stayed in school --- they are all college dropouts. These people were made to be entrepreneurs. Had some one like Bill Gates stayed at school, would have ended up as a manager, or a consultant. So that is my comment on university education. On the other hand, school is not just helpful, it is a condition, it is necessary."....Nassim Nicholas Taleb...2015