
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Awaken the leader in you.....

This was an article in the Times of India dated 28 July 2012 written by Jaya Roy. I am reproducing an abstract of it.

The different types of leaders-- family heads, corporate honchos, social activities, political leaders and spiritual base as it it is the spirit that lends power.

There are 11 traits that a leader needs to develop:

  • A leader is first and foremost a servant, with focus on service.
  • A leader must be established in higher values and be able to communicate the vision to the people.
  • Leader must have impeccable character ans be above reproach
  • Leader follows inner calling.
  • Leader must follow the clear reasoning of intellect and not get distracted by whims and fancies of the mind.
  • Hard work is an essential aspect of a leader. There are 3 types of action -- niyatam or obligatory action, Kamya or desire driven action and nisiddha or prohibited actions.
  • Leaders must have higher ideal -- Yagna (sacrifice ) it is to work in a spirit of service and sacrifice for a higher ideal,
  • Leader loves their people feels one among.
  • Objectivity or sakshi bhava , witness attitude , is an essential prerequisite of a leader. You have role play  it to the best of your ability.
  • Cultivate the quality of sattva . All human beings have three types of  gunas or thought textures -- sattva (pure) rajas (passion) and tamas (apathy). Tamas is inertia and lethargy . He is steeped in ignorance. Rajas is an agitated state of mind that comes from desire and ego . He blunders through life. Sattvaa is calmness and serenity . He is unselfish , creative and effective.
  • Walk the talk . Lead  the way. People follow what you do, not what you say.

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