
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Preparing like a Jazz performer to negotiate.

Prof. Michael Wheeler of the Harvard Business school says: 
Preparation  is an essential stage in negotiation.
Elements of negotiation are constantly evolving through out the process. Over preparation can cause us to disregard the moments of good fortune and synergy that crop up during the process. The best improvisor says:
  • They pay close attention to the world around them.
  • They identify when and how tho influence and adapt to others and 
  • They are proactive, taking considered risks to move the action forward.
Negotiators must assess when to take the lead and when to listen, as jazz musician switch off between soloing and comping*, accompanying or complementing what the other ensemble members are playing.
Jazz players make a split second decision about what notes to play in response to what they hear.  Comping is equally important in negotiation . If there are 3 demands, 2 is out of question resist the urge to immediately condemn them. Pick up a seed or an idea to praise and expand upon, in the same way like a skilled jazz musician.
In a world of improve-comedy every ad-libbed* line adds information that propels the story forward. the offer and agreement becomes the foundation on which the actos construct their relation and their imaginary world.
Wise negotiators understand that being tight lipped and inscrutable will hurt them as much as it will the other party, "always agree, never negate."
Find a useful nugget in even the most preposterous* statement. Adopt the habit of "yes instead of "but" or "no" . (the word "not" is a verbal stop sign). It is wise to strive 80% comfort zone and 20% outside it.
How can you manage your nerves?
Preparation is the ubiquitous* prescription; armed ourselves with solid facts and analysis, we improve our confidence and our ability to be nimble at the table.
However, negotiators also can quiet their inner critic by practicing mindfulness, a state of mind in which we accept our passing thoughts and emotions without judgements .
For eg: that you feel your anger stirring in response to a threat from a counter part . As a mindful negotiator, rather than either surpassing the anger or succumbing to it, you simply register your irritation at the other person and move on. 
Psychologist Alison Wood Brooks research identified emotions reappraisal* to be an effective means of transforming anxiety into a productive stat of mindful alertness.

P.S.: The essay in the source given below has been condensed to highlight the vital points in negotiation by me. I find that these are not  techniques to be followed in a work place as a leader but can be successfully applied at home, while presenting an idea to your family members.

Source: The Hindu, February12, 2014, "Negotiations success, the Jazzs way."


*comping play a jazz accompaniment.
*ad-libbed ......improvised performance.
*preposterous......contrary in nature.
*ubiquitous.........seeming to be every where at the same time.
*reappraisal......a new appraisal or evaluation.

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