
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Syllabus for CEO

StanislavShekshnia of Insead researched to know whether “CEO specific scholar training” can be introduced, if yes what would be the syllabus curriculum. Interviewing various global leaders the “unorthodox insights” of this research are as follows:

  • There should not be “CEO exam”. Experts believed that none could be qualified enough to administer such a test, nor could there be a standard CEO curriculum;
  • A test would be back ward looking and CEO are always forward looking.”
  • It would be wonderful to have a Renaissance man with the complete range of necessary skills and knowledge; but such a person simply does not exist.”
  • No one can qualify as a CEO for life either;
  • All the interviewed CEO agreed that their ob require lifelong learning.

This research identifies some essential traits and competencies fundamentals to success as a CEO especially the following three:

  • Natural qualities;
  • Knowledge acquired from formal education and 
  • Competencies developed.

Diego Bolzonello says: “You are born with some of it, but you must learn it.”

Qualities such as curiosity, ambition and passion are considered indispensable traits though formal education and on the job training also are essential components.

Schools for CEO curriculum should include subjects relevant to future CEO’s, such as developing a vision, selecting talent, enabling performance, managing in crisis, communicating with an entire organization, personal discipline and using language that business people understand hard skills to complement the soft skills needed in the job; Help CEO to assess their potential to make a data based decision about that choice and to develop a specific plan to achieve it.

Source: Empower, The Hindu, October 22, 2014

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