
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Thats the the Finals!

An extract of an interesting article I am sharing below:

Bhushan Kulkarni raises these questions and answers

What helped PV Sindhu to reach at this level and play one of the finest games?  

Can we, in our respective work areas benefit from the traits she has displayed?

Profiling Sindhu's career, a correspondent wrote:

“The fact that she reports on time at the coaching camps daily, travelling a distance of 56 km from her residence, is perhaps a reflection of her willingness to complete her desire to be a good badminton player with the required hard work and commitment.”

Her coach Pullela Gopichand says "the most striking feature in Sindhu's game is her attitude and the never-say-die spirit”.

One of the newspaper headlines says ‘PV Sindhu will finally be allowed Phone, Ice-Cream by Pullela Gopichand’.

An attitude of subordination is equally important if we want to excel in our professional and personal life.

You have to have a role model and a coach; willing to give controls to him or her so that the process helps you in enhancing your personal effectiveness and scale up to the next level of performance.

Aggression and calming down has to go hand in hand. This may appear to be paradoxical. There were moments when Sindhu needed to calm down, minimize her errors and wait for the opponent to show signs of mental and physical exhaustion. PV Sindhu followed this strategy to reach the finals.

According to the writer of this article:

The three things that can help us greatly in our personal and professional life: 

Consistency, attitude, and never-say-die spirit;

Having a role model and a coach; role model will give the benchmark and coach will help us unleash our true potential.

Developing the skill and the ability to speed up and slow down at the same time.

Watch the following Video.....:

Source: August 20, 2016

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