
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Organisation with innovative HR practices

Infotech Enterprises with 9200 associates spread across 30 global locations; set up 2 decades back, this company works on "Global delivery and collaboration engineering" model to satisfy customers, service providers on product development, life cycle suport process, netork and content engineering. This company won recognision for its best HR practices, at the Asia Practice HRM Congress held on 2011.(As said by Mr B Ashok Reddy , President , Global HR and Corporate Affairs )

The company's unique HR practicess regarding recruitment:
  • providing opportunities to its associates internally;
  • robust mechanism for developing leaders within;
  • they apply to internal job opportunities through career advancement path(CAP)
  • Ratio of external hires to internal growth to manager position is 30:70;
On Infotech's employee welfare programme:
  • associate's to continuously build their knowledge, skills and competencies while at work;
  • special educational leave is provided for 15 days a year;
  • Reimbursement fee for skill enhancement programme;
  • reward programme on enhancing knowledge that act as an additional motivator;
Development initiative:
  • Their culture encourages interaction with seniour managment through an open door policy;
  • Internal feedback mechanism called "expressions", which helps log requests and queries of the associates online in an efficient manner and the time taken to respond gets monitored regularly;
  •  they have built an unique programme of employee engagement "Infotouch"
  • development imitative to suit our associates requirements across different responsibility levels, the company's growth plans and help associates chart out their growth with our growth;
Gender equality and diversity initiative:
  • named as"Spoorthi"
  • have different ways to support if women is career oriented;
  • award best women performers;
  • equal opportunity employer 
  • employed based on ability;
Also encourages physically challenged people to work shoulder to shoulder with others.

Own internal virtual library "Kwench".
Infotech is an all encompassing model that is designed to engage mind, body and soul of our associates The expansion of the acronym is :
I - internal communication and branding;
N - new adventure;
F - fun@work;
O - outperform;
T - talent development;
O - Opportunity (career growth)
U - Unique work progress;
C - connect with managers;
H - health and well being.

Source: The Hindu, opportunities, Feb 8, 2012, p 4

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